At Tanit Immobilier we believe in every project

5 Tips to quickly sell your property

5 Tips to quickly sell your property - Tanit Immobilier

With more than 20 years of experience, our Tanit Immobilier agency knows how to quickly sell a property in the Juan-les-pins, Antibes and Golfe-Juan sectors.

Our clients all face the same difficulty: they don’t know where to start.
Since our role is to support you in all stages of the sale, we will give you 5 valuable tips to help you prepare your accommodation.

5 valuable tips to help you prepare your home for sale.

Tanit Immobilier

Perform all diagnostics

Since 2012, no less than 9 diagnoses are required during a property sale, namely:

  • Carrez law
  • Termite diagnosis
  • Asbestos diagnosis
  • Lead diagnosis (also called “CREP”)
  • ERNMT diagnosis
  • Energy performance diagnostic
  • Gas diagnosis
  • Electrical diagnosis
  • Sanitation diagnosis

Do you have a doubt about one of these diagnoses or do you not know if yours are still valid? Tanit Immobilier is at your service to provide you with information.

2. Make some repairs

Let there be no doubts: nothing requires you to carry out work in your house / apartment before the sale. You can certainly sell it as it is, but know that a clean item will always sell faster.

Future buyers – determined to find the property of their dreams – will be on the lookout and their eyes will be systematically on the unfortunate details: a burnt out light bulb, a switch in poor condition, a blackened seal, traces of mold.
All this will not work in your favor and will leave a bad impression on your visitors!

So do not hesitate to make some minor repairs to give your house / apartment a facelift: a little paint, a turn of a screwdriver, a bulb to change and voila.

Do you have heavy work to do? Do not hesitate to call us, our agents will study your situation to be able to give you the best advice.

3. Declutter the rooms

Rest assured, we are all the same, we tend to accumulate over the years and ultimately: we can not move. To seduce your future buyers, you will have to remedy it!

First step: take this opportunity to do a big spring cleaning and sort. If you do not want to throw away your things, then store them in the cellar, in the garage or in a secure box to unclutter your rooms as much as possible.

Second step: clear your openings (doors and windows) to let in light, modernize your lights by opting for light suspensions that amplify the volumes, and optimize every corner to free the floor and adjust your furniture to your surfaces.

4. Depersonalize your accommodation

So that future buyers can project themselves into your property, you have to erase everything that is too personal. We remove the photo frames, the posters in the children’s room, and we give a fresh air to its interior design.

If the decoration is not your strong point, it may be interesting to call on a home staging provider. Our Tanit Immobilier agency works with the best decorators in Juan-les-pins, Antibes and Golfe-Juan. Do not hesitate to contact us, we can recommend an expert in your sector.

5. Put away your things

Finally, a clean and tidy property will create a feeling of comfort and well-being which can be decisive for the sale of your home.


Are you looking for a real estate agency in the Juan-les-pins, Golfe-Juan or Antibes sectors and would you like to be accompanied by a team of professionals to quickly sell your property? Do not hesitate to contact us by email [email protected] ou par téléphone au, our team will be happy to guide you.

The valuation of your property is free by filling out the form below:

Support, diagnostics, works and optimizations for the sale of your property.

5 Tips to quickly sell your property - Tanit Immobilier

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