At Tanit Immobilier we believe in every project

Estimate Apartment / House / Villa

Do you want to evaluate your property ?

You will ask an estimation from the agency TANIT IMMOBILIER for the same reasons as those for which wish to entrust it your good with the sale:

– We are specialists in a privileged and sought-after sector, and put our knowledge of this market of ANTIBES – JUAN LES PINS at your disposal, free and quickly, for a very fair estimate, taking into account many criteria of situation, orientation, state of your property, area, date of construction, but also knowledge of transactions made in the same sector and price of goods sold, and not price of sale, which is often different.

Contact us via the attached form for an accurate and quick estimate.

Have your property remotely pre-estimated!

No time to lose with Tanit Immobilier

The preliminary estimate with Tanit Immobilier Once the value opinion is received by email, the next step is to set up an appointment with a Tanit Immobilier agent to refine it. Indeed, the property’s value remains approximate because it is simply not professionally ethical to provide a fully reliable value opinion without seeing the property.

Having been informed of the possibility to object to the use of my phone number for commercial prospecting (, I hereby authorize Tanit Immobilier to contact me at the number provided.

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